Swifty Lang Discusses His Background and “Feeding Ground” – A Werewolf/Mexican-Immigration Story

At the time Feeding Ground was conceived, I was teaching ESL to students

Feature Details

S/Lang Work Being FeaturedFeeding Ground

Appeared In

Source Credit/AuthorNicholas Yanes
Source URLhttps://www.scifipulse.net/swifty-lang-discusses-his-background-and-feeding-ground-a-werewolf-mexican-immigration-story/

Jonathan “Swifty” Lang was born in Liege, Belgium.  (For my American readers, Belgium is a country in Europe.)  Lang was raised in South Florida; specifically in the areas of Hollywood and Kendall.  He graduated from the University School of Nova Southeastern University, a private K-12 school.  He then went to Brandeis University for his B.A. and received an MA in Film Studies from the University of Amsterdam.  Like most intelligent people, he is a fan of the Miami Heat.

Currently living in Brooklyn, New York, Lang, along with Chris Mangun and Michael Lapinski, have produced the fantastic horror story, Feeding GroundFeeding Ground uses werewolf folklore to examine the anxieties over Mexican/US immigration.  You can learn more about this book from review here.

You can learn more about Feeding Ground from its homepage here, and you can buy a copy from the Archaia store here or from Amazon here.

Nicholas Yanes:  You have an educational background in film and you created a fantastic graphic novel.  When did you know you wanted to make a living in the entertainment industry?

Jonathan “Swifty” Lang:  As far back as I could remember, I wanted to be a writer. I didn’t really consciously think of working in the entertainment industry until high-school, when people started talking about jobs in a real way, and applying for colleges that would lead them to said professions.  I had some family who had success in the industry, so it seemed like something that was possible.

There was nothing in high school to indicate it would happen other than my often misguided belief in myself. I was in school at a time when it was still okay to be an underachiever and not everyone was striving to go public by the time they were 30.

More Press Coverage

Featured at Publishers Weekly

Often gory and eschewing an easy happy ending, Lang and Lapinski have created an allegory for the sometimes predatory relationship American companies have with Mexico.

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