Feeding Ground Graphic Novel Trailer

Head on with the debate surrounding illegal immigration.

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S/Lang Work Being FeaturedFeeding Ground

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Source Credit/AuthorMichael Lapinski
Source URLhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afdX3YLgQl0&t=3s

Award-winning graphic novel publisher, Archaia Entertainment has set a release date of September 28 for FEEDING GROUND, a stylistic horror graphic novel telling the story of a Mexican family chased by werewolves as they cross the Mexico-U.S. border. Debuting in both English and Spanish, FEEDING GROUND deals head on with the debate surrounding illegal immigration. FEEDING GROUND (paper-over-board hardcover, 184 pp, $24.95, ISBN English Ed: 978-1-936393-02-2, ISBN Español Ed: 978-1-936393-12-1) begins with a new nightmare plaguing the Mexico-Arizona border. A famine caused by Blackwell Industries drives Diego Busqueda, a noble “coyote,” to lead his family across the unforgiving “Devil’s Highway,” a desert cursed with blistering days and deadly nights. However, an ancient evil that has plagued the region for generations has emerged from the shadows. Pitting real-world border politics against a boldly reimagined werewolf mythology, FEEDING GROUND questions the very nature of survival. Available on Amazon.com and wherever books are sold. For more information on FEEDING GROUND or other Archaia titles, please visit http://www.archaia.com or  http://mlapinski.blogspot.com/

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Featured at Publishers Weekly

Often gory and eschewing an easy happy ending, Lang and Lapinski have created an allegory for the sometimes predatory relationship American companies have with Mexico.

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